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Celebrity Homes – Courtney Cox’s Home Renovation

Celebrity Homes – Courtney Cox’s Home Renovation

Celebrities are known to have the most beautiful mansions in the world. Many celebrity homes are ideas of great architects and designers. Only a few celebrities spend ample time during the planning and conceptualizing of their homes up to the actual construction. Let’s get to know one of them and catch some ideas from the renovation of her home.

Known for her character in famous sitcoms, Friends and Cougar Town, Courtney Cox is one of the most celebrated actresses in Hollywood. Before pursuing her career as an actress, many didn’t know that Courtney wanted to become an architect. In fact, she has already started her college education and has taken up a course on architecture prior to her decision in entering Hollywood. When she decided to renovate her home in Malibu, she was able to use up her knowledge after a long while.

Sitting above the Pacific, her two-acre home with a mid-century structure is complete with a saltwater pool, a guest cottage and a tennis court. This house took a completely different route from her earlier estate along the beach designed by the great architect John Lautner. While her former home had a contemporary design, she decided to go for a modern barn style in her new house.

This celebrity home is structured traditionally and painted with a rich brown color. Courtney however, wanted to go for a lighter shade. Her friend Trip Haenisch and architect Michael Kovac helped her in conceptualizing the right color and design for both exterior and interior of the home. They finally came up with the decision of putting up bronzed-steel trim with white walls and wooden flooring. Courtney agreed with the idea. She finds it great since it doesn’t have too many futile details.

Unlikely among many celebrity homes, her kitchen was placed overlooking the pool where the beautiful horizon can also be seen. The white-colored walls give a very refreshing ambiance in the area. Their plan was to make the ocean visible to as many portions of the house as possible. The exterior was painted with earth tones to complement with the natural color of the trees that surround the house.

During the course of renovation, Courtney was very meticulous. She scrutinized every detail down to the most appropriate colors. The renovation team had several intense planning sessions. Courtney took every detail seriously. She had strong opinions on what she prefers and what she doesn’t. During the end of renovation, she even invited several friends to come over to have a sort of test run if the house was already suitable for welcoming guests. The team then improved what needs to be done to place everything accordingly.

Courtney is only one of the few celebrities who opt to renovate their homes with full supervision. While many celebrity homes are already at its best, homeowners still want to change details now and then. You can search for many of these homes and grasp the amazing designs these celebrity homes have to offer.