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DIY Scary Decorations for Your Halloween Night

DIY Scary Decorations for Your Halloween Night

Halloween! Yes, that one time of the year wherein you can be whoever you like and decorate your place however you like it. It is the only time where people appreciate graveyards and dead bodies on their front lawn. The spookier it is, the better.

Decorating does not necessarily mean that you have to dig deep into your pockets in order to achieve that scary Halloween vibe. There are cheap ways for you to create awesome decorations. Here are some tips.

Spooky Silhouettes

Want to create that haunted house effect? Create a spooky silhouette and stick it onto your windows. Cut spooky figures from cardboards or paper. It can be a headless person, a serial killer, the ripper, whatever image you can think of. Paste in on your windows and have that spooky effect especially at night when you turn on your lights.

Crawling Spiders

Creepy crawlers are a staple when it comes to Halloween. You can buy small spiders and creatively attach them on your window curtains, stairs, above your doors and entryways as well as in your tables. You can create a huge spider and have it placed on your lawn or your patio for a scarier vibe. You can use a huge Styrofoam ball as the body of your spider and pool noodles as your limbs. Paint it with black or attach black cotton balls onto its feet and body for a more creepy effect.

Creepy Dolls

Ever had that feeling that someone is watching over you from afar? Recreate this with the use of those creepy dolls. This gives me the creeps even if it is not Halloween. Have them placed strategically in your house or your front lawn and surely it will give your friends and passersby the chills.

Head in a Jar

This is really a cheap trick. All you need is a jar, water and a picture of a head. You can simply have one printed out. Place the image inside a jar filled with water and there you have it, a head in a jar. It is just about forced perspective. Place this in your fridge and just wait for that scream.

Creepy Eyes

Create some glowing eyes, you can use cardboards or paper plates and then place them behind bushes. This would surely catch anyone’s attention.

Floating Candles

Remember those floating candles in the Harry Potter Great hall? You can replicate this by using old tissue roll painted white, insert some flickering light at the middle and then hang them with some nylon strings. The effect is just so awesome.

There are still more tricks you can do. Just have that Imagination juices flowing and spook the hell out of your friends and neighbors.