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Handyman Services Vs Home Improvement Chains: Homeowners Are Going Retro For Better Service

Handyman Services Vs Home Improvement Chains: Homeowners Are Going Retro For Better Service

A few decades ago, big box stores, including major home improvement chains, were the top choice for Americans looking for a great way to upgrade their homes while saving money. The national chains offered greater variety than local shops and could offer a wide variety of services and support for remodeling projects. In recent years, however, homeowners have been disappointed in the quality of the work done by the big names in remodeling and have begun to turn back to their local handyman for everything from kitchen remodeling to individual maintenance or repair services. There are several reasons for the renewed interest in old-fashioned craftsmanship, but they all lead back to one thing – a local handyman provides better service and support and will truly get to know you and your home.

The Handyman’s Attention To Detail

Big box remodeling centers offer an impressive array of products and services on display, but most of them hire out to subcontractors to do the actual installation and repairs. In many instances, the turnover is quite high for carpenters, plumbers is quite rapid. If you hire a local handyman, however, you’ll be hiring someone who only works locally and is an independent contractor, who takes pride in every job no matter how large or small. Subcontractors through chain stores simply want to rush through the jobs they do, scheduling multiple jobs at one time, which inevitably leads to rushed or sloppy workmanship. If you hire a local carpenter or painter, you can be sure he will be focusing all his attention on the details of your job. The result is superior craftsmanship and service.

Reasonable Rates And Reliable Quotes

Not all home improvement projects are the same. If you need a leaky toilet fixed or need seasonal cleaning of your home’s exterior, a local handyman will be glad to quote you an hourly rate so that you’ll know exactly what you’re paying for. He will also be happy to provide you with a quote for larger jobs such as bathroom or kitchen remodeling. This flexibility is rare with big box stores that quote “standard rates” regardless of the size of the project. Don’t hire a carpenter through a national remodeling chain unless you’re willing to pay the overhead that’s a part of every subcontracting job. By hiring locally, you eliminate the middleman that jacks up the cost of doing business.

Personal Pride And Integrity

When you hire a local carpenter or handyman, you are getting the services of a member of your community. He or she will take pride in providing you with top quality materials and, when it is needed, working with local professionals who also take pride in their work. When you’re ready to begin your kitchen remodeling, you’ll discover that the personal touch and dedication to superior work you’re seeking can best be found by hiring a professional handyman. He can handle all kinds of jobs from fixing light fixtures to repairing gutters or installing new cabinets. No national chain can offer you the same quality and guaranteed service.

Personal Service

And finally, once you’ve hired a skilled handyman in your area, you’ll rest easy knowing you will be able to count on him again in the future. You’ll never have to worry about strangers traipsing through your home or constantly changing crews (always a danger when working with subcontractors hired by a chain store). Won’t it be nice to know you can count on your personal handyman or carpenter for every job in your home?