
Design Detailing

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Landlords, Renovators, and the EPA

Landlords, Renovators, and the EPA

An article we published recently about the new EPA RRP rule included the statement “you cannot pull a nail out of a wall in a home built prior to 1978 if you are not an EPA ‘Certified Renovator'”. Several people wrote back to say this is only true if more than 6 feed of painted surface will be disturbed.


NO ONE may perform ANY kind of work, for compensation (which includes rent), in or around a home built prior to 1978 if he or she is not an EPA “Certified Renovator”. The fine for doing work of any kind is $32,500 per occurrence. The rule does make reference to six feet of painted surface — 2 feet if the home is associated with HUD, Section 8 for example. But this applies only to Certified Renovators and it determines the type of work practices which must be employed.

There is far more to the RRP rule than just safe work practices. For example, prior to any work being performed the residents must be given an EPA pamphlet titled: “Renovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers and Schools”. This means every time you perform any type of maintenance, repairs, painting, etc. you must give the resident this pamphlet and the “Pre-Renovation Form” which is to be signed by the resident and kept on file for at least three years.

Recently a large Midwestern home improvement contractor was fined $745,000 because it could not provide the necessary documentation proving that they had been giving its customers a copy of the pamphlet. EPA has said Lead is now their highest priority. Don’t be surprised if one day you receive a post card from EPA demanding all of your records for all of the work done on every pre-78 you own. No documentation or inadequate documentation and the next communication from EPA will be notice of a fine.

Only a bureaucrat could like this stuff. Nevertheless, RRP is now a gigantic part of your real estate investment world. Don’t put this off another second. The training required to obtain certification takes just one day and is good for five years.

Florida Landlord Network provides this training through licensed and certified RRP trainers. Please sign up today to get your RRP training. There is no place to hide from the EPA! After you have taken this class you are free to work on any home built prior to 1978. No fines. No worries.