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Positive Features of a Log Cabin in Summer

Positive Features of a Log Cabin in Summer

Log cabins have become quite popular over the years, and people look to them when designing residential as well as vacation homes. For an extended period, people built them in areas such as Scandinavia and other countries soon followed suit on seeing the benefits accrued from such structures.

What advantages are there to log cabins?


For one, they are eco-friendly, and with all the efforts geared towards conserving the environment, it makes sense that people would embrace these structures. Whether you are building a secondary home or you are constructing a residential house, they provide you with an environmentally friendly option.

You can make the houses from wood or timber, depending on the kind of lifestyle you wish to lead.

Why are log cabins eco-friendly options?

You may wonder what it is about these structures that earn them the status of eco-friendliness. To start with, you get to create a home in the midst of nature with the natural materials of your choice, thus creating a house at one with your surroundings. Most people construct them using wood, a building material which has a positive effect on a human being’s well-being.

Being at one with nature helps you lead a stress-free life, allowing you to de-stress and to focus on the happy side of life. People attest to having better focus and sleeping better when in these structures and there is an overall enhancement in the quality of your life when residing in them.

If you are not looking to move to such a structure for the entirety of your life, you can construct one where you can stay now and then when you are in need of a quiet life.


Using trees in the construction of your cabin will enable you to reduce your carbon footprint as they are renewable resources. Many people use trees or timber in cabin construction because they are known to have a solid green pedigree which enables you to limit your carbon footprint by mitigating the effects of any harmful activities that you undertake while residing in the cabin.

The logs in such houses work to remove harmful carbon from the atmosphere, thus purifying the environment. Over time, the circulation of carbon in the ecosystem reduces, and this continues throughout the lifespan of your cabin.

How to choose timber for your cabin construction

For you to succeed in constructing a cabin that is eco-friendly, you must take some measures when deciding which manufacturer you should buy from and who to avoid. You should look for a green manufacturer when going down this route.

Some manufacturers tend to take the easy route when providing timber in a bid to maximize their profits and they supply people with dead standing timber. Such wood is harmful to the environment and in buying such resources; you will be aiding such unscrupulous manufacturers in hurting the environment.

With a green manufacturer, you will have a reputable company which sources its building materials from sustainable forests and in so doing, they aid in the conservation of the environment. When making a choice, be sure to do your research to ensure that your preferred manufacturer will construct your cabin in adherence to the stipulated green building standards to ensure that you get the most out of your structure.


Many people state that one of the main advantages accruing from such structures is their insulation. Wood can maintain the internal temperature of a home, and as such, it is a favorite building material when looking for something that works throughout the seasons.

As such, you can look forward to controlled temperatures during the summer and a warm environment in the cold months. Thanks to this ability, you can save money on energy bills and direct such funds to other needs as opposed to furnaces and air conditioning systems.

Energy efficiency

When choosing a manufacturer, be sure to select a company that you can trust to deliver a high-quality cabin. Such a manufacturer should seal the building properly when making log connections, and they should also treat the logs to ensure that water and air cannot get into the house. With these measures in place, temperature regulation will be at an optimum level.

Research shows that these structures are at least thirty percent much more energy efficient when compared to other building types. Just think of how much dough you can save on bills with this kind of structure.


These structures are organic, and they fit in well with the natural environment in which they are, and as such, they provide an aesthetic appeal. As you enjoy your summer vacation, you can take scenic photos of your family and friends alongside the cabin.

Being in your cabin during summer time will give you a sense of fulfillment as you get to view the fruits of your hard work and unwind over the holidays.

The best of both worlds

Over the years, we have developed an attachment to modern amenities, and it is increasingly becoming hard to let go of such facilities when away on holiday. With this cabin, you need not say goodbye to such services when away for the summer as you can have electrical fittings in place as well as internet connections.

You can also have additional sources of power for backup in a case of a power outage. Most cabins make use of solar energy over the summer because the electricity generated during these months is more than enough to cater to the needs of the occupants. You can heat your water and run some appliances, all with the use of solar panels which are not only energy saving but also cheap in the long run.

As you invest in a log cabin, you have an assurance that you are not only getting a home for the summer, but you are also protecting the environment. Next summer holidays, you can look forward to a quiet atmosphere which will help you put things in perspective as you strengthen the bond between you, your family and your friends.