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Sofa Cleaning Services

Sofa Cleaning Services

The cost of keeping a home maintained, and clean is becoming more expensive recently, and as the cost of doing business keeps rising so will the fees of the companies that help keep up your household. Take for example sofa cleaning services, as this may be a sideline for carpet cleaning companies, the cost versus value needs examining. The national variance of couch cleaning costs range from sixty dollars to one hundred and ninety-six dollars. On the high-end of pricing, you can see that it would cost close to six hundred dollars to steam clean, and pre-spot treat a couch, love seat, two chairs and an ottoman.

There are times when these local carpet-shampooing companies will offer up drastically reduced pricing when the economy drops off, and you should always take full advantage of these situations. This will essentially allow you to clean the furnishings in a great or living room for the cost of the couch cleaning. In addition, if you have your carpets done at the same time, you can negotiate even more discounting, as long as you do not become too greedy. These companies have high overheads, especially with liability and commercial vehicle insurance, and they have to make a modest profit to just survive. So, keep this in mind when you are trying to beat down your final price.

If an experienced furniture cleaning service comes into your home, and does a cursory examination of the job needing done, they will usually be up front and tell you which stains will probably not come out completely. They have better equipment and experience than you do in this area, but there are limitations to any home service, so do not be to disappointed if that blood stain from Junior’s nose, will not come out of your chair cushion.

Hiring these companies once a year will be of great service in keeping your furniture in tiptop shape, but in all reality every six months is a more realistic schedule to keep. It will make your upholstery last longer, and prevent you from having to replace the upholstery, or buy a new sofa when the stains become overwhelming and unsightly. So, unless you have your own home steam cleaning system in place. Be ready to spend some money on upkeep on your furnishings.

You may also want to ask when the technician is cleaning your couch, if they have a contract pricing that will greatly reduce the cost for each visit, but come out more than one time per year. A service contract may be just the ticket to keeping everything spotless.