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Signs of Water Leaks In Your House That An Expert Can Detect

Signs of Water Leaks In Your House That An Expert Can Detect

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When it comes to your home, there are a lot of things that you can spot yourself. But it’s best to leave it to the experts regarding water leaks. Water leaks can be tricky to detect and, if left unchecked, can cause some severe damage to your home. From damp spots on your walls to dripping faucets, these are all signs that you may leak somewhere in your home. So when you witness these signs, call a professional right away!

Clogged Lines

What’s more frustrating than a clogged sink or toilet? It can drain your energy and money. Clogged lines are the most common signs of water leaks in your house. While they’re not always indicative of a severe problem, they can be a nuisance and cause Water Damage if left unchecked.

Here are some telltale signs that your lines are starting to clog:

  1. You’ll notice a decrease in water pressure. It is because the clog restricts the flow of water through the line resulting in dripping faucets.
  2. You may see water backing into other fixtures like your tub or shower when you flush the toilet or run the sink.
  3. You may hear strange gurgling noises coming from your drains.

If you suspect that your lines are starting to clog, it’s essential to get them checked by a professional ASAP. They will be able to determine the extent of the problem and recommend the best course of action to take. In some cases, simple snakes or chemicals will do the trick. But in more severe cases, replacing part or all of the line may be necessary.

Broken Pipe Joints

If you have a water leak in your home, one of the first places an expert will look is at the pipe joints. Pipe joints are where two pieces of pipe come together, and they can be a familiar spot for leaks. There are different types of pipe joints, and each has its potential for leaks:

  • Butt joints are where two pieces of pipe butt up against each other. They’re held together with either a clamp or welding. Butt joints can leak if they’re not correctly sealed or if the sealant deteriorates over time.
  • Compression fittings are used to connect a copper or plastic pipes. They work by compressing the pipes together with a nut and bolt. Compression fittings can leak if they’re not appropriately tightened or if the gasket deteriorates over time.
  • Flanged fittings are similar to compression but use a flange instead of a nut and bolt to compress the pipes. Untight flanged fittings can also leak over time.
  • Slip-joint connections are used to connect pipes that need to be able to move, such as those in drain lines. They work by fitting one piece of pipe into another and then tightening a nut to hold them together. Slip-joint connections can leak if the nut isn’t tightened correctly or if the washer deteriorates over time.

Conclusion: Hire A Professional Water Leak Service

Not sure whether you have a water leak in your home, but it is always best to hire a professional water leak service. They will be able to quickly and easily detect any signs of water leaks, no matter how minor or hidden they may be.